Get started with healthy Eating!




Keep a food diary for two weeks. Really commit to it!! Ideally you continue with this habit but try small steps to start. Keep it for 2 weeks. Be HONEST. It will be enlightening. A simple free diary that you can print and carry with you is available by clicking here.



Try one new food every week. Come on, there are tons of fruits and vegetables that you have not tried. The majority of Americans do not eat the RDA for fruits and vegetables so pretty easy to try some new ones. Ever had mango, papaya, chard, beets? So many choices. I had some avocado on a salad one day and a girl asked me what it was. That is an indicator that you need to try new foods!! Not sure how to cook them or prefer to mix it up a bit. Then try a new recipe. Check out the ones here for ideas. The idea is that you need to change your lifestyle in order to lose weight because what you are doing right now does not work.



Do you drink water? Then just do it! No excuses. Many people in the US are dehydrated all the time. This leads to your body not being able to function properly because your body functions best when hydrated. So quit on the excuses and drink your water.



There is a reason that you are supposed to eat 5 a day. These not only give you vitamins and minerals, they also give you fiber which is not only good for you but keeps you full. So come on! Check out my tips for eating these and getting your water if you continue to struggle.



Exercise is a necessary part of everyone's life. If you are not sure where to start, try checking out my main fitness site,, for some ideas.