Featured Recipe


Grilled Scallops with Sweet Potatoes


- 4 Medium Sweet Potatoes

- 1/2 cup fat free milk

- 1/2 teaspoon salt

- 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper

- 1 tablespoon butter

- 1 pound large sea scallops, sliced into 1/4 inch thick rounds

- 2 scallions, sliced thin


Bake sweet potatoes in a 400 degree oven or in the microwave until tender (about 45 minutes in the oven or 6-7 minutes in the microwave) Scoop out the pulp of the potatoes into a medium bowl. Stir in milk and salt and pepper and beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Keep Warm
Heat butter in a large nonstick skillet and add the scallops turning once until just opaque (about 1 minute per side). Sprinkle with the scallions and serve with the sweet potatoes.
Makes 4 servings
233 calories, 17g protein


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